Careers Programme

Our careers education and guidance programme will prepare all students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.  This carefully planned, progressive programme of lessons and activities supports students as they move through their education and on to the next stage of their life. It will equip them to manage their future progression through learning and work.

At East Point Academy, careers education is provided through our tutor programme and assemblies throughout Years 7-11.  In addition to this, further guidance for all year groups is received through activities, co-curricular clubs and trips throughout the academic year. You will find an overview of this programme on the link below.

Students will receive tailored guidance at various points along their academic journey. Careers guidance is offered to any student within the Academy by appointment. Students will receive assistance with selecting their creative pathways, and choosing their option subjects, and all Year 11 students are provided with at least one face-to face careers interview in their final year at EPA. This will assist with their post-16 transition, including apprenticeships, employment prospects, higher education courses, completion of college application forms and preparation of a CV. 

The careers curriculum is also supported by our partnership work with University of East Anglia (UEA) and the Network for East Anglian Collaborative Outreach (NEACO).  This work is delivered at both subject level and by year group, and includes trips, guest speakers and specialist workshops.

Our Careers Leader and Adviser, Mrs Karen Dando, is based in a designated Careers Office where she is able to offer specialist advice, access to the Careers Hub and a quiet space for interviews. The Careers Hub posts up-to-date careers information which is accessible to all students and staff.

The academy’s careers programme and the impact it has on pupils is measured, every term, by using the Compass Careers Benchmark Tool evaluation programme.

We welcome enquiries from parents and carers, representatives of local industry and educational providers.

Call our school office on 01502 525300 to schedule a call with our careers adviser

Careers Programme

Provider Access Statement

Information for Parents/Carers

Information for Students

Our Careers Adviser in school is Mrs Dando who is located in B109 in ‘B’ Block.  Mrs Dando can help you with enquiries relating to your education, your future career and the following:

  • Year 9 Options
  • Careers Advice
  • Organising a CV
  • College Applications
  • Apprenticeship Information
  • How to use the ‘Unifrog’ careers website

If you would like an appointment with Mrs Dando inform your Tutor or email using the link below:

Link to

Unifrog logo

As a student at East Point Academy, you have access to the Unifrog careers platform in class and at home. Unifrog provides you with information on qualifications, jobs, colleges, apprenticeships, universities, webinars and lots more.  Use the link below to access your account:

Unifrog - The universal destinations platform.