Legally Blonde comes to Lowestoft with a stellar performance
East Point Academy has entertained audiences this week with their performances of the musical ‘Legally Blonde Jr.’. Performing for four nights from Monday 12th to Thursday 15th February, students thrilled the crowd with drama, comedy and music.
‘Legally Blonde Jr.’ is a musical written by Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin based on the book by Heather Hach and follows the story of Elle Woods, navigating Harvard Law School, her relationships and her beloved pooch Bruiser.
Ms Gilbert and Ms Mills organised and directed the performers and said:
"It was so amazing to see our students realise what they have been working towards for the past months, many have come a long way and have really improved their confidence in this time which is wonderful to be a part of."
"They have made all of us so proud of them, acting like true professionals and giving everything in their performances."
Elle faces heartbreak as her boyfriend Warner dumps her for not being “serious” enough and heads off to Harvard. Attempting to prove Warner wrong Elle challenges expectations and succeeds in getting into law school. Making friends (and enemies!) along the way, Elle realises she has all the right skills to be a lawyer and is forced to make them count as she faces her first case.
Filled with catchy musical numbers that had the whole production singing and dancing it was amazing to see the talent and professionalism of our students, it’s clear to see a lot of work has gone in from students and staff to prepare for these performances. Professional lighting and sound elevated the performance, and it was wonderful to see the students embrace this fantastic opportunity to be on stage.
Tremendous thanks to all staff and students involved in the production, there was lots to be proud of at these amazing performances from East Point Academy.
In other Inspiration Trust schools this week there were also performances of ‘Grease’ from students at Great Yarmouth Charter Academy, and students at Hewett Academy, Jane Austen College and Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form are coming together for their performances of ‘Oliver!’